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Need a refresher on how the planning cycle works?

This workshop takes you through the planning cycle without the boring, long PowerPoint presentation. You will engage in practical and useful exercises that remind you of what your obligations are when it comes to documentation.


Learning Outcomes:

- Learn about how quality interactions infuse quality writing

- Compare and contrast noticing and observing to to enable more clarity in focus of children's interests

- Learn how to use watch you have noticed to test ideas, implement experiences and decide on intentional teaching techniques

- Compare the difference between themes and pathways of inquiry using embedded critical reflection

- Learn new ways of sharing documentation as an advocacy tool.


QA 1 Educational program and practice

Private Inservice Booking From:


Woman Typing


...and other wonderful ways of documenting learning in early childhood

Delve deeper in to how to write great observations, learning stories, summative assessments and even letters to children and parents. 



Learning Outcomes:

- Discuss the importance of writing using correct grammar and spelling

- Write using a variety of lenses e.g. developmental, socio-cultural, post-modern theories

- Understand the process of assessment and various types of assessment used in early childhood e.g. formative, summative

- Reflect on your writing style and make decision about how you want to write for each of the audiences e.g. parents, colleagues, children, the regulator or politicians


QA 1 Education program and practice

Private Inservice Booking From:


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Ever wondered how to deliver a great grouptime?

This workshop explores the elements of gatherings both small and large in early childhood contexts. You will engage in practical resource making and story book, music and oral story telling experiences.



Learning Outcomes:

- Learn about the principles of gathering and belonging through group experiences

- Explore new ways of motivating children to participate through awe and wonder

- Analyse and discuss the use of stories and props to ignite thinking, investigations and social skills

- Create your own props for oral story telling, story books and music

- Critically reflect on the role pop culture plays in literacy and group gathering



QA1 Educational program and practice


Private Inservice Booking From:


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