Scenario example responses
**Thank you to @Renee Makepeace for allowing me to share her responses here. Well considered and a good example of how to respond using the framework.
One of your team members complains that another staff member keeps rolling her eyes when asked to help with anything.
Acknowledge: Let her know that you understand and that you are hearing her frustrations.
Assess: The complaint is between educators and the educator making the complaint is coming to their immediate supervisor which is appropriate. Plan: Ask for some examples of when they may of happened such as what are the kind of requests for help.
Investigate: Ask the complainant if they have raised this frustration with that educator and if not if they are willing to. If not, ask if they would like myself to raise it on their behalf. Speak with the other educator involved and gather information of their perspective and assess if there has been miscommunication or if the complaint is deeper than that.
Respond: Go back to the complainant explaining the other educators response and the solutions moving forward e.g. leaving home life at the door if this was affecting the other educator's attitude, possibly creating a roster for tasks such as cleaning if educators are having issues around being accountable with these tasks.
Follow up: Ask the educator their thoughts and check in with them over time.
Reflect: Setting up rosters from the beginning may of avoided this problem, checking in with the team around any personal issues happening in their life may of assisted the other educator in navigating their work day positively.
A parent sends an email addressed to you stating that another educator grabbed her child's arm too hard and is calling the department.
Acknowledge: Respond to the parent immediately to acknowledge this complaint in writing and verbally is possible,
Assess: Report to the Regulatory Authority.
Plan and Investigate: Seek a private meeting with the educator accused to have their perspective. Speak to educators in the room or present at the time the incident occurred. Speak with the parent to gain as much information as possible.
Respond: If the information shows that the educator did harm the child, follow through with any mediation and possible suspension/termination. If not, present the evidence to the parent with the complaint in a respectful manner. Outline any potential solutions. The parent then has the opportunity to decide whether to continue with attending or not.
Follow up: If the child stays in care, continuous check ins with the family is essential to ensure they are feeling confident in the service provided. Possible professional development could be beneficial for the team. Reflect: Reflect on the investigation procedure and how you handled the complaint as it is confronting, could you of responded better/quicker/more effectively?
Another staff member has made a complaint to the director that your program does not contain enough learning for the children to be ready for school.
Acknowledge: The director may approach you about this complaint or asked the educator to approach you if they are comfortable. Acknowledge the educators concerns and actively listen.
Assess: This is a complaint that could be dealt with in time as it is not urgent.
Plan and Investigate: When there is an appropriate time, speak with the educator in depth to gain an understanding of their concerns. Take time to provide evidence to this educator on the reasoning behind the current program as well as taking on their knowledge and experience and critically reflect on any changes that could be made or why no changes will be made.
Respond: Sit with the educator again to let them know the outcome - whether that is to change or keep the program as is. Provide evidence to back this up (a part of this could be the centre philosophy where the educator may then need to reflect on their practices and perspectives and if they align with the centre philosophy).
Follow up: Ask the educator to reflect on the centre philosophy and evidence and plan a time to follow up with them to check in with their developing understanding.
Reflect: Reflect on your approach to this complaint in terms of explaining the reasoning behind the program and how you took on board the feedback from the educator with the concern.
A parent mentioned upon drop-off that he would like to see some foods that are more nutritious on the menu today.
Acknowledge: Let the parent know that you acknowledge their concern and direct them to todays menu.
Assess: See if the parent is happy with todays menu and take on any feedback and concerns in the moment.
Plan and Investigate: Let the parent know their feedback has been taken on board and you are happy to provide them with the information that you follow when developing the menu e.g Good Bite newsletters, Munch and Move. Look specifically into their concerns such as not enough dairy and ensure you are following guidelines and providing evidence.
Respond: Provide parent with evidence and information and possible with the next weeks menu for review. Plan a meeting with the centre cook if needed to allow them to further provide insight into aspects of the menu and what is needed. Provide the parent with a voice on this matter.
Follow up: If the parent is satisfied, ensure check ins are made with them when the new menu is released each week to ensure they are happy and satisfied with the food provided. Ensure parents are being provided with consistent updates on the menu and information such as the Good Bite newsletter.
Reflect: Look at some solutions for getting parent feedback on the menu more frequently such as surveys.